Satellite Phones Today
It seems a very long time since the days of the 'Sputnik'! Today satellite systems provide both voice and data communication for areas of the world where there are no alternatives. Satelite telephones help us to keep in touch when we fly or take a cruise. It also helps us to keep track and stay in contact with those brave individuals who test the boundaries of endurance and skill. We can follow their routes, talk to them and receive photographs and video from wherever they are and make sure someone is ready to help when things don't go according to plan.
How do satellite telephones work? signals are sent from the satelite phone, through an antenna to a network of satellites in orbit then back to a ground station and a conventional phone network. Sounds good doesn't it? Unfortunately good communication relies on an unobstructed path from antenna to satellite. Bad weather can disrupt the signal too. Signal link quality is generally much better outdoors but if you are on a boat or in a plane an external antenna may be required.
At the time of writing there are five main satellite phone service providers. Global Star and Iridium are the largest. They offer a variety of options for both businesses and the average user. Iridium is probably the best known for a variety of reasons. The company has 66 operational low-earth-orbit satellites with 13 spare satellites. The satellites are in orbits about 485 miles above the Earth's surface. The company supply to an extensive variety of markets which include mining, construction, leisure, government and maritime. They also provide equipment to the military and to rescue and disaster relief organisations. Companies tend to sell their services through a collection of service partners, value-added resellers and manufacturers.
Satellite phones are used regularly by the military, shipping and airlines. They also play an important part in disaster zones. Charitable organisations use them to discover what help is needed as soon as possible when landline phones and cell networks aren't working. Tracking the signal can help guide helicopters into the most affected and even isolated areas to deliver aid quickly.
Satellite phones are also being used in the fight against terrorism. To protect the Alaskan pipeline where it is vulnerable, trucks passing close by are fitted with satellite phones. If the truck is hijacked a signal is sent via the network and the vehicle can be disabled immediately.
Satellite phones are still a very expensive option. It is more expensive than most cell phone calls. As the technology improves and becomes more widely used, the prices should begin to drop just like all useful technology does eventualy. At the moment Iridium state that the cost of a satellite phone call is comparable to the cost of an international roaming call. To improve public perception and possibly build the consumer market the industry is fund raising in Washington state to provide satellite phones and airtime free of charge to US National Guard soldiers serving in Iraq.
Steve is a software engineer and owner of
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